
Agenda Item 66


Subject:                    Council Tax Reduction Review 2022-23. Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources committee meeting held on the 2 December 2021


Date of meeting:    3 February 2022


Report of:                 Executive Director for Governance, People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Mark Wall

                                    Tel: 01273 291006



Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release



Action Required of the Committee / Council:

To receive the report from the Policy & Resources Committee for consideration and the recommendations for approval.




(1)     That the introduction of a revised Council Tax Reduction Scheme based on earnings brackets for working age Universal Credit claimants be agreed;


(2)     That Council Tax Reduction claimants who are not recipients of Universal Credit should remain on the existing Council Tax Reduction scheme; and


(3)     That the fund for Discretionary Council Tax Reduction be set to £200,000 in 2022/23.



Brighton & Hove City Council




4.00pm 2 December 2021


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber




Present:   Councillor Mac Cafferty (Chair) Druitt (Joint Deputy Chair), Gibson (Joint Deputy Chair), Allcock (Joint Opposition Spokesperson), Appich (Joint Opposition Spokesperson), Bell (Group Spokesperson), Clare, Evans, Miller and Yates.

Also present: Dr Anusree Biswas-Sasidharan, Standing Invitee





68             COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION REVIEW  2022/23


68.1         The Acting Chief Finance Officer introduced the report which detailed the review of its working age Council Tax Reduction Scheme. He noted that it was proposed to make fundamental changes to the scheme and to adopt a revised scheme to come into effect from the 1 April 2022. He also noted that officers had received positive feedback from various groups that had been consulted.


68.2         The Committee welcomed the report and the proposed changes to the Scheme and expressed their thanks to the officers involved for their hard work. Members of the committee also queried whether other income from various sources such as second homes and pensions schemes came into consideration when assessing eligibility for the scheme.

68.3         The Acting Chief Finance Officer stated that he would need to check on whether other sources of income were taken into account and would provide a written response to the committee Members.


68.4         The Chair noted the comments and put the recommendations to the vote which were carried unanimously.




(1)         That the introduction of a revised Council Tax Reduction Scheme based on earnings brackets for working age Universal Credit claimants be agreed;


(2)         That Council Tax Reduction claimants who are not recipients of Universal Credit should remain on the existing Council Tax Reduction scheme; and


(3)         That the fund for Discretionary Council Tax Reduction be set to £200,000 in 2022/23.